Spring Clean-Ups in Portland Maine
Spring is a beautiful and exciting time in Maine! Now is the time of year to prepare your lawn and landscaping for the season with a Spring Clean-Up.
To ensure your lawn looks good, it should be cleared of debris left over from fall and winter including leaves, branches, pine cones, and pine needles. Lawn dethatching will reduce that layer of spongy dead grass and fluff up the lawn for summer.
The city and town plow trucks provide a valuable service making the roads safe during our harsh Maine winters, however there are some after effects. Sand from the street needs to remove from the lawn to promote healthy grass growth. Any lawn dug up by the plow also needs to be graded and may need to be seeded in order for the grass to come back.
Flower beds should also be cleaned out including cutting any perennials not completed in the fall, weeding, pruning broken branches prior to spreading mulch. Shrubs that flower on new wood should be pruned in early spring. Mulching improves appearance and helps discourage weeds from growing. A layer of 3”-4” should be applied for weed prevention. Mulch beds should be edged to provide a clean border and prevent mulch from spilling into the lawn. This also helps put a stop to grass and weeds growing from your lawn into the flower beds.
Your property will look beautiful in 2015 with proper spring clean-up preparation and continued maintenance throughout the season!